CNP Strength & Nutritional Advice for Boxers

CNP Sports Nutrition
There are two things on the body that you are interested in, one is body fat and the other is lean muscle tissue. There are three things in food you are interested in protein, carbohydrates and fats. These are all measured in calories (a calorie is not a nutrient it is a measurement of energy, just like a kilo or kilogram). There are 4 calories in 1 gram of protein and 1g of carbohydrates and 9 calories in 1 gram of fat. For information only there are 7 calories in 1 gram of alcohol, that is why some people who drink a lot regularly dont need much food as they get most of their calories from alcohol.
Your body uses carbohydrates and fats mainly as energy and if you eat more calories in carbohydrates and fats than your metabolism uses then you will store it as body fat. Your body uses protein to repair and make muscles stronger. This means if you have metabolised the protein you have eaten it will go to the muscle.
Simply put eat too many carbs and fats it will end up as body fat if you eat enough protein it will repair and make the muscles stronger.
Most people especially boxers who want to lose weight on the scales do without food. First this slows your metabolism down as your body tries to keep its stored energy (body fat) because you are not eating and training hard your body wants to self preserve itself, plus your body ends up cannibalising body fat and muscle, so if you look in the mirror you look exactly the same as you did 20lbs heavier. In other words you have Photostatted your self smaller (less muscle) which is very important in a boxing fight, especially if the fight gets rough (pushing and shoving).
The best way to lose weight is to cut back on carbs and fats so your body cannibalises body fat only. Keep your protein normal so your body has no need to cannibalise muscle.
There are many reasons why a hard training boxer holds too much body fat.
He doesnt eat a lot of calories over the entire day, but eats too many calories in one meal. In other words he gets up in the morning doesnt eat waits 6-7 hours but when he eventually eats he eats too much in one meal (too many calories for his body to metabolise in one sitting).
Eats too many simple sugars. There are two types of carbohydrates, one complex (slow released) the other simple (fast release). These get converted to blood glucose. There energy value is the same (4 calories per gram) but as simple carbs gets released very quickly into the blood stream, which elevates your blood sugar levels and as your body does not like high blood sugar levels it releases a hormone called insulin. Insulins job is to take that sugar out of the blood but as sugar is energy the body will not waste it so it converts it to body fat for future use.
The only carbs you should eat are unprocessed (complex) which is Potato, pasta, whole grains, rice, porridge oats. You can get away with some cereals such as weetabix, shredded wheat musili. All these carbs will be slow released maintaining blood sugar levels. Another good way of slowing carbs down is to eat lots of green veg as this is high in fibre.
Remember eat little and often. I am not saying eat 5 Sunday dinners a day, what I am saying is your total calories (carbs, fats and proteins) should be split up in to 5-6 sittings.
Here is a suggested diet for a boxer. We will not tell you how much to eat as you work load and your metabolism could vary.
Meal 1. cup of porridge oats with a small amount of honey made with water. 3 egg whites with one yellow. If you feel you need more protein you could have a 1 scoop of Pro Peptide (22g protein)
Meal 2. Chicken breast, average sized potato (baked or boiled) with green veg.
Meal 3. Tuna in brine or Chicken salad sandwich made with granary/wholemeal bread.
Meal 4. Chicken or tuna or white fish with a cup of rice with green veg.
Meal 5. As meal 1, 2, 3 or 4.
If you require more than 30g of protein per meal.A chicken breast and a tin of tuna provide approx 30g protein. I suggest you have one scoop of Pro Peptide (protein powder) which is approx 20g with each meal to bring your total protein to 50g per meal.How much to eat is the biggest question I get asked and the simplest way to find out is to weigh yourself once a week on the same scales at the same time. If your weight (on the scales) stays the same then you are on maintenance calories and if you want to lose weight cut back on the carbs (less energy).
Pro GF on an empty stomach, this will make you stronger. This can also be one of your 5-6 meals.
Pro Vital - AM/PM formula vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
Pro Recover - maintain your blood sugar levels after training. This also can be one of your 5-6 meals.
Pro Peptide - advanced protein supplement. You can use this if you want to up your protein without food.
Protein Slam - take approximately 20 minutes before training.
CNP professional Boxers stacks available - BUDGET STACK or PREMIER STACK.
Always remember to warm up correctly and cool down.
Your body is 70% water the very nature of your training makes you sweat a lot. You need to drink at least 2-3 litres of water every day.
Do not think water will make you put weight on. The more you drink the more you wil urinate and sweat, getting rid of all the toxins in your body.

CNP Professional is a leading supplier of sports nutrition supplements ranging from protein shakes, protein bars, creatine supplements, meal replacements, mass gainers, weight loss supplements and post work out shakes all designed for the ultimate in sports nutrition.
Kerry Kayes, the founder of CNP Professional, is a former national bodybuilding champion. He has been involved in sports nutrition for many years and his dietary expertise has established him as the man in the know to sportspeople worldwide including boxers Ricky Hatton, Matthew Hatton, Francisco "El Gato" Figueroa, Matthew Mcklin, John Murray, Sean Long of St Helens RLFC and David Dunn of Blackburn Rovers.
CNP Professional supplements are carefully formulated to ensure that the body is able to make best use of the nutrients.
There are several articles explaining protein nutrition supplements on the CNP website - go to the home page and click on nutrition under the articles section
